


بازدید : 166
/ زمان : 9:18:

And will open for photon ships all planets of our system with their rich natural resources for economical use. Jupiter – a one-dimensional space of plants. For example, nuclear fuel to a small but effective uranium or plutonium reactor, compressing it to the temperature, needed for the ignition of a chain reaction. With broad contact surface and flexible ribs. Leading mankind from an isolated planet to the nearest space and preparing the next stage of technological evolution – the invention of astral starships. The faces of the polyhedrons should be used for a circular electric current with a perpendicular magnetic vector to the center. A cube is its basis. Quarks are triangular faces of polyhedrons. . electromagnetic current or light. Geocentric Sun is six-dimensional instead of Earth. It is close to sphere too and can support any spherical surface. These planets are invisible like the world they describe. The best way to control plasma is to let it freely go away in a jet. Astrology is proved by logic and facts no less than any other science and have the right to exist and to cooperate with mathematics and physics in any research. These are Fibonacci numbers, the 7th and the 8th, their ratio is a golden proportion 13/21 or 12/20=3/5. The vertices – for lasers and emitters. Tetrahedron is between Mars and Jupiter (astral and aether), which rule Aries and Sagittarius, signs of fire, so it is fire itself. Telepathy proves existence of non-physical fields so we must conclude existence of non-physical worlds and prove it by further experiments. Teleportation breakthrough needs a carbon fusion reaction as in stars on the second stage of their development. Plasma or fire is an element of freedom and creativity. Or for a universal vehicle, combining all these in one. Along a laser ignition ray. The proportion of the resonance may be ordinary, golden or harmonic - ½, 2/3, 3/5, etc or 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29 and so on. Hemi-icosahedron – a roof. The number of the harmonic is the number of steps between Fibonacci numbers it compares. Uranus is a two-dimensional surface of sphere, which is the form of all fields and waves. Aether has four dimensions, astral – five, mental plane, Venus and Mercury (imagination and concepts)- seven and eight, spiritual world, Sun, - nine. The best form of a space ship is prompted by a Platonic Solid too. It will work only when it wants it itself.

When you think about it
بازدید : 168
/ زمان : 8:52:

The way of drinking water from the nook of the centre earth is kind of pious and refreshing. It offers various unbelievable and unique things with traditional houses.4pt 0in 5. Some of the unique destinations of east timor are; Eralfai: One of the most unique and traditional villages of East Timor is Eralfai village which means a Big Water village. People can get fresh water from the dark cave where they have to go down by lighting a candle through a narrow way where they can drink water from a small spring. Raca village: It is a village with unique east timor culture and traditional beautiful houses which is situated in the Los Palos, the Race’s Tais, the eastern part of East Timor; Los Palos is one of the fresh examples of unexplored place which is completely inaccessible and a strange place where there is large potential of village tourism. From the view point of village tourism, it is the most exciting destination to observe as its rich in historical sightseeing. There are some villages which are very difficult to reach.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10. It can be explored as a new destination for international tourists as well as local visitors. Lopo is also one of the unfamiliar traditional villages which offer unique and traditional houses made of grasses.

The most modern and the fastest manufacturing
بازدید : 186
/ زمان : 13:56:

该工具由需要更换的磨损部件组成,使用的工具越多:金字塔刀片(用于切割胶带的独特三角形刀片),电缆和柱塞(电缆和柱塞用于拉动接头复合物到锥形的头部)和其他的可能性。使用带Gooseneck Attachement的特殊装载泵,锥形填充接头复合物。头部还包含一个切割组件,可将胶带切割成设计长度。当速度很重要时,自动编带工具为录制速度的录制和完成提供了快速而专业的解决方案。控制套筒操作锥形的切割部件,只需一次拉动,它就会切割胶带并将新胶带推回到所需的位置,以便将来切割。在头部下方,你会发现一个压痕轮,有助于在角接头上安装胶带。设备的供应商通常提供自动编带工具更换部件和维修服务。住宅和商业干墙承包商使用所谓的自动编带和精加工工具快速完成干墙项目并获得专业的结果。 让我们仔细看看Drywall Automatic Taper 自动锥形是自动编带工具套件中使用的第一个工具,用于缠绕暴露的干墙平面和角接头。 自动锥度可以提供多年的有利用途,并且需要有限的维护。自动锥形包括一个头部(泥浆被施加到胶带上,并且胶带被切割的地方)和一个主体(储存泥浆,切割和压痕机构受到控制。使用适当的干墙工具将节省您的时间和你的干墙项目的钱。如何用专业干墙工具胶带干墙 大多数房主完全没有意识到专业的干墙工具甚至存在。在末端(或锥形管的对接点)有一个称为Creaser Level或Creaser Trigger的水平,它允许您控制锥形头部的Creaser Wheel,以帮助在角度中应用胶带。自动锥度(如照片所示)是使用自动编带工具套件和全套自动编带工具的英雄进行编带时使用的第一个工具。 就像这个工具是机械形式一样,由于有100多个零件,它也有点复杂。 自动锥度也可以容纳500英尺的干墙胶带卷。今天,干墙锥形和修整机,家庭改造商,总承包商,油漆承包商甚至自己动手都在为他们的干墙项目购买这些工具。锥形主体由控制套管组成,该套管环绕锥形主管。大多数人都看过干砌墙泥盘或干砌墙编带刀,但很少有人看到更复杂的干墙工具,如trigger sprayer Factory 自动锥形 - 一种设计用于同时将干墙联合复合材料和干墙联合胶带应用于所有接头的工具。)头部包含泥浆门,可确保将正确数量的泥浆施加到胶带上。该工具的主人通常学习如何更换零件并自行维护工具

اپكس لوكيتور DPEX III
بازدید : 206
/ زمان : 14:14:

Lead writer on the examine, Dr. Contemplating the deadly nature of pseudomonas aeruginosa, creating a wide assortment of infections with folks suffering from weakened immune methods, and the variety of floor disinfectants employed to theoretically avert the spread, the thought that these germs can endure disinfectants is being taken quite seriously. Gerard Fleming, proposed that, "What is far more worrying is that the bacteria seem to be ready to adapt to resist antibiotics with out even being exposed to them. In addition, their genuine DNA mutated to allow them to resist the ciprofloxacin line of antibiotics. Indeed specific health care practitioners at the moment advise that men and women who take extraordinary safeguards to avoid contact with germs (to the level of paranoia) are truly harming themselves. Scientists also understand that bacteria can eventually grow to be immune to different kinds of disinfectant, which is why antibacterial soaps and hand creams are advised to be employed only in excessive conditions, not on a day-to-day foundation. The study examined the most common kind of hospital bacteria, and culminated in laboratory exams wherever increased amounts of disinfectants have been utilized to cultures of pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The family lives in a village located
بازدید : 182
/ زمان : 6:03:

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Two pistols and 17 live cartridges were recovered

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